Ep 248: The personal brand. Standing out by being yourself to the extreme.

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 248: The personal brand. Standing out by being yourself to the extreme.

I don't care what you do. I care who you are. What moves you, what excites you, what you're bad at, what you find funny, what trauma you've suffered. That's your brand. Not your logo, or website, or profession. These things matter, but without knowing yourself and projecting it in everything you do, they are irrelevant.

Today I'm discussing a recent loss of confidence, how it was remedied, and what I learned about the personal brand I always trusted and made a creative industry career possible.

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https://bentallonwriter.com/shop for The Creative Condition book and the brand new 'Anatomy of Creativity' map.

Sponsored as ever by https://illustrationx.com who have a superb new quarterly illustration trends report here: https://www.illustrationx.com/uk/news/5992/trendx_-_april_2024


https://open.spotify.com/episode/3cFn73Vu6H09UmkPzhBivC - Max Ottignon in conversation

Shaun Ryder in conversation: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6astuM9Yh9wqnGwmI4p2Bt

and the Ukrainian Institute https://ui.org.ua

Hosted by Ben Tallon https://bentallon.com



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