Our Clients give our Artists and Agents an average rating of {ave}%*


Every year we invite our clients to rate the service provided by our agents and the quality of our illustrators and animators, after a commission. We ask how likely they are to recommend IllustrationX and AnimationX to others.

Since we started asking, our clients have consistently given us an average rating of over 96%.* While we’re blushing a bit, we’re also delighted to know that we’re living up to our promise of caring professionalism. Our agents and artists put the very best of themselves into every single commission because we really care about the outcome for you.

We also listen carefully to the feedback of the very small number of clients who were not 100% satisfied, tweaking our approach, training and policies wherever necessary. We want every client to be happy.

But don’t take our word for it - check out some of the testimonials we receive from our clients (and artists) every week. Thank you to everyone who took part and contributed feedback.

* Source: IllustrationX, post-commission surveys.

 Figures updated live: based on {total} respondents since March 2021.


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