Sente-se e desfrute do mais recente showreel selecionado de nossos melhores animadores ...


Meet our Artists

Discover the stories behind the work; find, follow and collaborate with the finest contemporary artists from every corner of the globe.

We're home to a curated collection of the world's greatest animators and illustrators. So whichever style, approach or medium you are looking for, you'll find it here, along with lots of ideas and inspiration.

Mustard Motion
Mustard Motion
Mark Gmehling
Mark Gmehling
Maurice Baltissen
Maurice Baltissen
Tanya Cooper
Tanya Cooper
Adam Larkum
Adam Larkum
Tim Bradford
Tim Bradford
Motion Club
Motion Club
Stuart Holmes
Stuart Holmes
Bill Greenhead
Bill Greenhead
Liam Brazier
Liam Brazier
Gary Mayes
Gary Mayes
Peter Nizic
Peter Nizic
By WeForest - Making Earth Cooler
By WeForest - Making Earth Cooler

10M Trees

Trabalhando em conjunto para combater o aquecimento global.

Toda vez que você contratar um dos nossos ilustradores ou animadores, você não está apenas se beneficiando de um excelente talento artístico e criativo; você também está ajudando a criar um planeta mais saudável e ajudando a aliviar a pobreza global.

Isso porque desde 2013 Illustration X faz a doação de 1% do seu volume de negócios para o plantio de árvores de forma sistemática ajudando a reverter a taxa de aquecimento global. Em 2018, atingimos a marca de 1 milhão de árvores plantadas. Nossa meta definida agora é o plantio de um total de 10 milhões de árvores na Zâmbia e no Vale do Rift, na Etiópia.

Ten Million Trees
One percent for the planet

Four continents, eight countries; one local global agency

Wherever you are in the world, AnimationX is ready to help you find the right artist for your project and to see that everything goes smoothly with your commission.

Every office in our global network provides you with local agents ready to provide you with expert advice and guidance about artists, styles and market trends.

And because AnimationX operates in four continents and eight countries, we are often the first to spot emerging talent wherever it pops up. It’s all about connecting you to a world of illustration and animation, giving you a real edge and an unrivalled choice and variety. Be inspired!

Estamos felizes em ajudar!