Clerkenwell Design Week

Rohan Eason's drawing of Clerk’s Well is projected as part of the Clerkenwell Design Week events.

Clerkenwell Design Week launched on the evening of 21st May and is an exciting series of showroom events, exhibitions and special installations that take place across this creative London area. Rohan chose to have the Clerk’s Well as the centre point to his piece - a fresh water source discovered by a Clerk, which ignited the creation of a theatre and further the creative and vibrant place of Clerkenwell. He explains, "From its life giving waters spring the many different aspects of Clerkenwell past and present…the idea behind it was to encapsulate how an area grows organically from a single source, in this case the Clerk’s Well, so I did a lot of research and then dove straight in freehand - which is quite a refreshing departure for me, who is usually so meticulous." Visitors will be engulfed by the projected artwork as they enter one of the showrooms in this area of London which has ‘more creative businesses and architects per square mile than anywhere else on the planet.’ Find out more information on Clerkenwell Design Week here.


rohan eason
fine art
clerkenwell design week

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