
Arielle Jovellanos

Arielle Jovellanos's Profile Photo

不可能不喜欢Arielle Jovellanos的漫画风格。清新淡淡的色调,将平面小说的美学带入了各种新领域,Arielle显然是一位对视觉叙事充满热情的艺术家。她的重大突破来自她2015年的高中恋爱学校精神-60页的高质量艺术品。该出版物获得了Eisner提名,这是漫画界的巅峰之作。如今,该艺术家正在与出版界的许多知名人士合作,并寻找新的人们进行合作以使故事栩栩如生。阿里耶尔(Arielle)是一位菲律宾裔美国人,在看迪士尼电影时长大,并在她的课本边缘在《美少女战士》上画了自己的变化。如今,她热爱音乐剧场,收集歌单,她最大的影响力是漫画家高桥留美子(Rumiko Takahashi),《哈尔的移动城堡》(Hall's Moving Castle)和吉卜力工作室(Ghibli)的电影《魔女宅急便》(Kiki's Delivery Service)。







Audible Little Brown&Company黑马漫画Oni出版社Smithsonian亚太美国中心IDW Publishing BOOM!制片厂国家发明家名人堂
Hamilton's Eliza Hamilton Sketched By Arielle Jovellanos | SYFY WIRE
Arielle Jovellanos, an artist and illustrator, exploded onto the scene with her own Hamilton inspired, illustrated zine. Here she draws Eliza Hamilton.
Audible #StoriesThatSurroundYou Mystery
Where does listening to Audible transport #StoriesThatSurroundYou Contest winner Deidre Weeks of Orange, TX? Straight to Edge-of-Your-Seat Land. Deidre's original Mystery scene was brought to life by illustrator and comic artist Arielle Jovellanos.
Audible #StoriesThatSurroundYou Fantasy
Where does listening to Audible transport #StoriesThatSurroundYou Contest winner Jessica Johnson? To a land of bravery, battles and lifelong bonds. Her original 'Young Adult' scene was brought to life by illustrator and comic artist Arielle Jovellanos.
Audible #StoriesThatSurroundYou YA Book
Where does listening to Audible transport #StoriesThatSurroundYou Contest winner Denise Whitaker of Caldwell, ID? Back to hallways filled with lockers, classmates and an abundance of angst. Denise's original 'Young Adult' scene was brought to life by illustrator and comic artist Arielle Jovellanos.
Audible #StoriesThatSurroundYou Interview
A freelance illustrator and comic artist in the New York area, Arielle Jovellanos studied illustration and fiction writing at Parsons The New School of Design. She is the co-creator of (and a contributor to) “Ladies of Literature,” a multi-volume anthology of illustrations created by women to celebrate their favorite female literary characters.