
Marcelo Anache

Marcelo Anache - Sao Paulo, Brazil based illustrator

巴西插画师Marcelo Anache的作品兼收并蓄且富于创意,充满创意。动感和细节的结合将使您看起来和再看一次,发现隐藏在每张图像中的俏皮小触感。他的艺术作品提供了一种独特的方式来使观众与产品,品牌或地理位置互动。
Before becoming a full-time illustrator, Marcelo had a successful career as an art director and fully understands how campaigns work. In addition to his advertising, publishing and packaging work, he is a sought-after mural artist who has created enormous monochrome and full-colour pieces all over Brazil. Based in Sao Paulo, Marcelo is a maestro of the pen and clients love the individual style he brings to every project. Nothing can match the zany combination of elements and positive energy that exude from one of his images.


Hand-drawn line work is the basis of every piece Marcelo creates. Sometimes it will remain monochrome, though he may add highlight colours or fully paint the image, depending on the brief. When creating a mural, he’ll work from a digital sketch, but the pen is always his mainstay creative tool.


Marcelo describes his work as ‘organised chaos’ – it’s always a mixture of characters and objects with unusual connections. He loves to add a hint of nature to his work – flowers, birds, maybe even a tentacle or two.


耐克,杜邦,特纳,可口可乐,宜必思酒店,BTG Pactual Investment Bank和Ambev都是Marcelo的客户。
马洛里·海耶(Mallory Heyer)的脚本
马洛里·海耶(Mallory Heyer)的脚本
我们对插画家的下一次采访是与美国艺术家Mallory Heyer进行的。
马洛里·海耶(Mallory Heyer)的脚本
马洛里·海耶(Mallory Heyer)为舆论杂志《新共和国》(New Republic)制作了出色的肖像。