Postal Address

Güntherstrasse 51,

D 22087 Hamburg

Visits by prior appointment only please!


Alexandra Maul
Senior Agent and Associate Director
T 040 250 40 50
Alexandra MaulSenior Agent and Associate Director - Hamburgde
Steffi Rauch
Senior Agent
T 040 250 40 50
Steffi RauchSenior Agent - Hamburgde
Julia Freudenthal
Julia FreudenthalAgent - Hamburgde
Julia’s nickname is ‘the voice’ because she loves talking to clients and illustrators, making sure commissions run as smoothly as possible. Her background in graphic design gives her a clear understanding of the creative process and she approaches her work with energy, resilience and a touch of humour.
Janna Kruetzer
Janna KruetzerAgent - Hamburgde
Sometimes the best things happen entirely by chance. With legal training and a degree in art history, Janna never envisaged becoming an illustration agent, however her administrative skills and understanding of art make her an excellent one. She empathises with clients and illustrators alike.

认识 IllustrationX 艺术精灵


Briefly describe the project you need artists for, and let me guide you 😊