
Lin Chen

Lin Chen

Lin Chen - China based illustrator

Although Lin Chen is fast, efficient and reliable, what her clients love most is the unique visual style she brings to their projects. Based in Shanghai, Lin combines a dexterous skill using geometric vector forms with a sublime appreciation of abstract art. She’s like a modern-day Picasso, creating lively and expressive images for world-leading clients in fashion and beauty, publishing and more.
A New Talent winner at the 2019 World Illustration Awards, Lin is bringing a fresh visual language to contemporary illustration that began forming back when she was a child paging through her mother’s art books, which were filled with abstract and expressionist art. She honed her skills by studying Chinese painting as a teen, and then animation at the Communication University of Zhejiang in Hangzhou. Later she took an MFA in Illustration at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and launched her career as a professional illustrator. A constant sketcher, Lin is inspired by Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso.


Lin works in Photoshop, building her compositions based on sketches and refining the look and feel – from heavily graphic to a more painterly finish.


Graphic and stylised, Lin’s artworks offer a bold and unexpected dose of Abstract Expressionism, perfectly balanced to catch the eye and impress the viewer.


2019 – World Illustration Awards – New Talent Editorial Winner


Lin’s clients include Elle, Vogue Me, Yoho Girl, YOHO! and Lacoste.
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen
Lin Chen

IllustrationX アートジーニーの紹介


Briefly describe the project you need artists for, and let me guide you 😊