

01 45 26 70 09

Postal Address

47, rue de Douai,

75009 Paris

Visits by prior appointment only please!


Juliette Lott
Senior Agent & Associate Director
T 020 7720 5202
Juliette LottSenior Agent & Associate Director - Londonuk
Vivacious and always willing to help, Juliette keeps our British office ticking with her energy and enthusiasm. She’s fast and efficient, yet she gives every project the attention it needs in order to thrive, from small editorial pieces right through to huge advertising campaigns.
Jac Lott
UK Agent
T 020 7720 5202
Jac LottUK Agentuk
Jac has a wonderful curatorial eye. She selects and orders all the images in our artists’ online portfolios. Not only does she do this with charm, passion and endeavor, but her touch greatly improves a portfolio's success in terms of viewers and enquiries.
Alice Desmond
Agent Ambassador
T 020 7720 5202
Alice DesmondAgent Ambassadoruk
Before representing our illustration talents, Alice worked in some of London’s top advertising agencies. She loves the part of her role that involves finding the perfect illustrator for each commission, and she’s great when it comes to establishing relationships between clients and our artists, be it in English or her fluent German.
Sarah Beetson
Talent Vanguard
T please email
Sarah BeetsonTalent Vanguarduk
As our talent scout, Sarah has a finger on the pulse of international contemporary illustration and an eye peeled for unique new artists with special skills. She’s also an experienced fine artist and illustrator.
Vanessa Lambert
Marketing & Associate Agent
T 020 7720 5202
Vanessa LambertMarketing & Associate Agentuk
Vanessa has experience as both an illustrator and an agent, and quickly comes to grips with the creative vision behind the projects she works on. She promotes all the great work our artists do for clients via social media, and also curates our newsletters.
Sarah Hodder
Finance Director
T +1-646-808-0205
Sarah HodderFinance Directoruk
Sarah has over 20 years’ experience with the agency. As our Finance Director she’s both meticulous and diligent. Sarah works internationally, supporting our clients, artists and agents - making sure all the bills get paid and balancing the books.

IllustrationX アートジーニーの紹介


Briefly describe the project you need artists for, and let me guide you 😊