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Parker Nia Gordon

Parker Nia Gordon - Memphis, TN , United States based illustrator

Parker-Nia Gordon est une illustratrice basée à Memphis, dans le Tennessee, qui a développé son propre style magnifique et un langage visuel unique, en l'utilisant pour créer des personnages et des histoires qui invitent les téléspectateurs à entrer dans un autre monde. Lorsque vous le faites, vous découvrirez un endroit amusant, jeune, charmant et plein de couleurs vives et de personnages intéressants.
With a look that’s perfect for projects aimed at children and young adults, Parker-Nia’s illustrations are influenced by her own memories and experiences, and the feelings we all go through as young people learning to relate to the world. Her aim is to capture these emotions and share them with the viewer at a spiritual level. Clients love the life, colour and honesty that come through in Parker-Nia’s artwork. Parker-Nia is a graduate of the prestigious Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida.


Parker-Nia paints digitally using Procreate on her iPad. She works in a vibrant colour palette that emphasises fun, excitement and the feeling of being young.


It’s Parker-Nia’s characters that really stand out. Each has its own unique story, and is brought to life through strong facial expressions, body language and emotion. The mood extends to the settings she creates as well, using lighting, depth and texture to evoke imaginative new worlds for her characters to inhabit.

Liste des clients

Les clients de Parker-Nia incluent Black Women Animate, Amplify, ABC Survival Guide et plus encore.
Fille ajustant le pop art de cheveux
Parker Nia Gordon
Art de fille de mode de fraise
Parker Nia Gordon
Fille de mode sur la planche à roulettes
Parker Nia Gordon
Conception de personnage fille cheveux longs
Parker Nia Gordon
Dessin au trait de la sorcière adolescente
Parker Nia Gordon
Illustration d'humour de fille en colère
Parker Nia Gordon
Portrait de visage de fille aux cheveux bleus
Parker Nia Gordon
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