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Sarah Beetson

Sarah Beetson

Sarah Beetson - Illustrateur de la culture pop. Australie

Le chaos soigneusement contrôlé, les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel et l'exubérance pure des œuvres de Sarah Beetson ont fait d'elle l'une des illustratrices contemporaines les plus renommées au monde. La culture pop est rendue avec une touche rétro à travers son travail au trait figuratif, ses couleurs vibrantes, ses étincelles et ses éclaboussures de peinture, ce qui donne un travail qui apporte une touche rafraîchissante et imaginative aux projets de ses clients.
Working in fashion, editorial and publishing, Sarah has exhibited in galleries around the world. Spending most of her year in Queensland, Australia, returning to the UK for a few months now and again, she also takes on artist residencies, such as her project depicting Coney Island, New York. Sarah has a BA in Illustration with first class honours from Falmouth College of Arts. Influences include Antoni Gaudi, Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Julie Verhoeven, Antonio Lopez and Jamie Hewlett.


Sarah begins by creating a background using spray paint, tissue paper and/or collage, which is applied to paper, wood, a photographic print or fabric. She then draws the linework in pen. The image is rounded off with a full range of additions such as acryl-gouache, markers, gel pens, crayon, stickers, vintage magazine clippings, beads, sequins, Letraset…and more. Sarah also works in layers using Photoshop so that edits can be accommodated.


From out of the chaos emerges glorious illustration work that finely balances colour, line and texture for a unique effect – Sarah’s own personal take on Pop Art.

Liste des clients

Sarah a été mandatée par des clients tels que The Sunday Times, The Telegraph, Smithsonian Magazine, Penguin Random House, Ernst & Julio Gallo, Ford, EMI, Trader Joe's, Monprix, Delta Airlines et plus encore.
Sarah Beetson
illustration en ligne de la vitrine Fox & Clo
Sarah Beetson
Sarah Beetson
Sarah Beetson
Sarah Beetson
Sarah Beetson
Sarah Beetson
Sarah Beetson
Illustration de la carte de Coney Island
Sarah Beetson
Sarah Beetson
Murale de street art responsabiliser
Sarah Beetson
Peinture murale Protect Street art
Sarah Beetson
Illustration de la ligne des magasins
Sarah Beetson
Bus de personnes et passagers
Sarah Beetson
Illustration de mode de collection de lingerie vintage
Sarah Beetson

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