Os Maridos

The Brazilian version of "The Husbands" by Holly Gramazio is illustrated brightly by Ing Lee.

Published by Intrinseca, a prestigious publishing house in Brazil, 'Os Maridos', or 'The Husbands', is a novel that tells the intriguing story of Lauren, who finds herself living in a house that mysteriously generates a collection of husbands.

In the book Lauren's life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers a stranger in her house one night, who confidently claims to be her husband. With every piece of evidence, from photographs to utility bills, supporting his assertion, Lauren is forced to confront the surreal reality that her attic seems to be producing an endless stream of husbands for her. With each having a different and brilliant quality, Lauren grapples with a profound dilemma: in a world where changing husbands is as easy as changing a lightbulb, how does one distinguish between the good enough, the wrong fit, and the perfect match? And how long should she persist in her quest for clarity?

Ing's vibrant cover depicts the house filled with various rooms, each with a unique husband, and Lauren at the centre of this thought-provoking situation.

book cover
line and colour
ing lee

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