Arrest All Mimics Podcast: Studio Sutherland

Jim Sutherland takes time out of his studio to chat to Ben Tallon for Episode 127 of the creative podcast.

Jim Sutherland of Studio Sutherland is creating some of the best design in the world right now. Since going out alone, he has worked with Royal Mail, Agatha Christie, D&AD and Star Rite among many others to create work that has its roots in the importance of the idea, fun and curiosity. He joins me to talk about the importance of creating work that matters to you and using it to attract the right clients. We get into Jim's background, why love of the the process will be evident in the quality of good design and how his current practice feels like his own MA degree!

Get your feedback over @arrestallmimics on social now! The show is kindly supported by Illustration Ltd, Heart Internet and The AOI.



Illustration are proud to be both the founding sponsor of Arrest All Mimics and the agent of your podcast host, Ben Tallon.

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