Ep 221: Optimism. Five tips to feel better and create optimally

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 221: Optimism. Five tips to feel better and create optimally
Too many people are downbeat. The heaviness of 24-hour news cycles are locking people's creativity and spirit away in dank, lightless basements. Here are five tips to turn the tide, and find a baseline of excitement and optimism from which to contribute to solutions for the problems that make us feel like the world has gone to sh1t. As ever the show is supported by founding sponsor Illustration X: illustrationx.com and the Ukrainian Institute. You can help a wonderful organisation by supporting the Ukrainian creative community as they struggle to keep making during the horrific war: ui.org.ua/ The Creative Condition book is available to pre-order now at: https://www.bentallonwriter.com/shop/p/the-creative-condition-understanding-and-embracing-human-creativity-signed-paperback-pre-order-april-11th-release For the ebook version: https://shorturl.at/bkBDE https://bentallon.com
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