Ep 225: Collaborate. Don't gatekeep. Abi Everett (Evergooood) & Steph Martin (Stuff) on collaboration

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 225: Collaborate. Don't gatekeep. Abi Everett (Evergooood) & Steph Martin (Stuff) on collaboration
Multidisciplinary artist and designers Abi Everett (Evergooood) and Steph Martin (Stuff) are close friends and regular collaborators. They join me in conversation about the dangers of (conscious or unconscious) gatekeeping, which underpins 'More Than One Seat', their new project created to encourage collaboration, and not the kind of gatekeeping Steph became aware of while working in the advertising industry. This a great example of the joys of being a champion for another, in encouraging growth, and collaborative play, which leads to great ideas and optimal creativity. You can find out more about 'More Than One Seat' here: https://www.morethanoneseat.com/ and follow Abi: https://www.studioeverett.com/about and Steph: https://stuffstudio.net/ On socials: https://www.instagram.com/evergooood/ https://www.instagram.com/stuffcreativestudio Sponsored as ever by https://illustrationx.com who have a superb new quarterly illustration trends report here: https://www.illustrationx.com/uk/news/5992/trendx_-_april_2024 and the Ukrainian Institute https://ui.org.ua https://bentallon.com https://bentallonwriter.com/shop for The Creative Condition book https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-tallon-a822a725
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