Ep 212: Creativity in times of war with Ukrainian design community activist Olha Protasova

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 212: Creativity in times of war with Ukrainian design community activist Olha Protasova
Almost two years after Russia invaded Ukraine, I'm joined by Ukrainian illustrator, designer, and design community activist Olha Protasova to talk about creativity in times of war. This episode contains sensitive topics, but I hope you'll stay with us to be inspired by the bravery, resilience, and hope Olha shows. The show is supported by https://illustrationx.com and below are a series of links from Olha, via which you can help the Ukrainian cause: Olha's insta: https://www.instagram.com/olha_protasova_illustration Projector school: https://prjctr.com/ (Ukrainian) Yurko Gutsulyak: https://gutsulyak.studio Mykola Kovalenko: https://mykolakovalenko.eu A book about Trident, downloadable: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SD7nyGHyxo0JCnAw7gcS8BZ8eCEhq2Tr/view?usp=drivesdk (Language is Ukrainian, but the content is amazing) Meaning of trident: https://www.weareukraine.info/special/what-does-the-ukrainian-coat-of-arms-mean/ Few articles about Ukrainian illustrators: https://ukraine.ua/stories/ukrainian-illustrators/ https://theaoi.com/2022/05/13/drawing-strength-in-conversation-with-ukrainian-illustrators/ Big article about type design and designers: https://eugenesadko.medium.com/21st-century-ukrainian-society-and-fonts-c61f6152ff19#:~:text=Among%20these%20type%20designers%20who,Lukian%20Turetsky%2C%20and%20Bohdan%20Hdal. https://bentallon.com https://bentallonwriter.com
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