Ep 226: Shoplifting Ian Wright. What my Woolworth's ban taught me about creativity

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 226: Shoplifting Ian Wright. What my Woolworth's ban taught me about creativity

It took me a long time to acknowledge the shame of being caught shoplifting. At age 13, I stole an Ian Wright football figurine and got caught, earning me a UK-wide ban from Woolworth's department store.

It took years to own this one, but when I did, I saw so many lessons in the importance of the shadow self, what such missteps can teach us about our personality, and its value in our creativity.

Sponsored as ever by https://illustrationx.com who have a superb new quarterly illustration trends report here: https://www.illustrationx.com/uk/news/5992/trendx_-_april_2024

and the Ukrainian Institute https://ui.org.ua


https://bentallonwriter.com/shop for The Creative Condition book


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