Ep 227: DRAMA! A conversation with drama teacher Abby Lucas about the untapped mental health & education fuel

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 227: DRAMA! A conversation with drama teacher Abby Lucas about the untapped mental health & education fuel

Abby Lucas teaches drama and English at secondary/high school level in the midst of a growing mental health crisis.

She sees the the positive impact it has on young people, their wellbeing, their communication skills, their learning, and their ability to take control of their lives.

But she is only able to teach it within the curriculum for one hour each week.

We discuss the tragic educational and wellbeing omission that is drama, the benefits of expanding its presence in the curriculum, and our frustrations in depth.

Sponsored as ever by https://illustrationx.com who have a superb new quarterly illustration trends report here: https://www.illustrationx.com/uk/news/5992/trendx_-_april_2024

and the Ukrainian Institute https://ui.org.ua


https://bentallonwriter.com/shop for The Creative Condition book


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